Inheritance & Abstract( Class And Method )
Abstract Class
Abstract in general we can interpret as a picture of something but the picture is not so clear. So there is still a need for another process so that the description of something becomes clearer (concrete). Abstract classes are no different from other classes that have class members (methods and variables). A class is abstract if one of its methods is declared abstract. Abstract methods are methods that are determined from within the class but are not accompanied by definitions. Some things to note are as follows:
a. Abstract classes cannot be created instant or object using the new keyword.
b. A class can be declared as an abstract class even though it does not have an abstract method.
Inheritance is the inheritance of attributes and methods in a class obtained from the class that has been defined. Classes inherited by other classes are called subclasses, while inherited classes are called superclass.
One of the benefits of inheritance is the subclass of changing or modifying what has been inherited by Superclass.
How to make a class descendant
To create a class that can inherit another class, what is needed is to declare the class using extends, pay attention to the following program structure:
class <name-class> extends <name-superclass> {
// program contents
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